Immigration, Passports and Visas, 1979 - 1998
Sub-Series Scope and Contents
This sub-series consists of casework files, which document efforts by Brown and his staff to assist constituents with various federal issues and requests. This includes requests for assistance with federal funding, immigration proceedings, court cases, healthcare issues, veterans and military benefits, labor issues, international business and relations, housing issues, and tax problems. Materials in the sub-series include correspondence, memorandums, individual records, applications, military academy nominations, case file notes, and statistics kept on mail-in and walk-in casework.
- Creation: 1979 - 1998
- From the Collection: Brown, George Edward, 1920-1999 (Person)
The collection is in English.
Sub-Series Access
Files in this sub-series are restricted. Access to these materials is subject to approval. Please submit written requests to the department.
From the Collection: 437.48 Linear Feet (1008 boxes, 7 flat file folders)
Repository Details
Part of the Manuscript Collections Repository
University of California
Rivera Library
P.O. Box 5900
Riverside 92517-5900 USA