Box 9
Contains 52 Results:
Hairapetian, Shahen, 1980-81
Requests permission to use TR as a reference for a position of summer associate with a leading law firm in Chicago, IL.
Hale, Frank W., 1975
The associate dean of Ohio State University sends TR information on graduate school opportunities for Chicano/Latino students.
Hamilton, Nancy, 1978
TR sends his philosophy of education as requested by a Nova reporter, at the University of Texas at El Paso.
Hamm, Ron, 1970
The Southwestern Cooperative Educational Laboratory sends TR some publications for culturally divergent children. The company invites TR to join their bilingual program.
Harcleroad, Fred F., 1983
The Center for the Study of Higher Education sends TR copies of two presentations entitled "Can State Systems Adapt Models of Business Decentralization" and "Postsecondary Education in California." Includes a UCR campus evaluation.
Hardesty, Robert L., 1982
Updates TR on the inauguration at Southwest Texas State University which featured Mrs. Johnson as the keynote speaker. (Mrs. Johnson's first name is not given.)
Hardwick, Charles S., 1979
The Association of Academic Deans and Vice Presidents invites TR to attend a luncheon speech in Dallas, TX, to be given by Dr. Richard Chait of the Institute for Educational Management of Harvard University on March 29, 1979.
Harp, Reed, 1981
TR sends a staff writer at the San Antonio Light newspaper, a copy of his novel, Tierra, and curriculum vitae.
Harth, Dorothy E., 1972
Asks for a copy of TR's essay, "Literatura chicana," and ideas on finding material on Chicano literature. TR states: "Allow me also to wish you the best of fortune in planning a course in Hispanic Minorities in the United States..."
Hatch, Orrin G., 1981
Senator Hatch updates TR on federal programs that are under review for reappropriation and writes: "Some of these activities have been quite controversial...often these grants are spent on research which is wasteful..."