Course Materials, 2000 A.B.A. Sec. Env't., Energy, Resources 8th Sec. Fall Meeting (2 vols.)
Scope and Contents
Volume I:
About the section fall meeting
About the section
Recourse Development and Environmental Protection in a Global Economy No materials were submitted for this publication
People v. Development: Human Rights Mass Tort Litigation and International Resource Development - Herz, Richard L. Litigating environmental abuses under the Alien Tort Claims Act: a practical assessment - Reynolds, John C. Mass tort risks inherent in international resource development
Energy Deregulation: Powering New Business Opportunities for Environmental, Energy, and Resource Lawyers - Hickok, Linda Drisko Mining for gold: asset transactions from the environmental manager's perspective - Barrett, James R. Opportunities for environmental attorneys in the deregulating energy manager's perspective - Arata, John W. Managing environmental liabilities and risks in commercial transactions
Section 4 of the Endangered Species Act: To List or Not to List and Who Decides? - Mallory, Brenda Overview of procedures governing listing and critical habitat designations - Quarles, Steven P. What's the fuss? Does critical habitat really matter? - Glitzenstien, Eric Implementation of Section 4 from the perspective of the environmental community
Brownfields Urban Redevelopment, Part 1: Practicalities Pitfalls (From Drawing Board to Boardwalk) - Pouncey, Gerald L., Todd S. Davis, Amy L. Edwards, Richard G. Opper Part 1: Practicalities Pitfalls - Limited Only By Your Diseased Imagination: Emerging Toxic Torts in America - Arras, Barbara L. What is this thing called RADS: Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome - Owens, David J. "MTBE" - Gauthier, Wendell H. Global warming: environmental and health problems in the Year 2000 - Wise, Kenneth T. Measuring mountains and molehills: property impact claims - Tidewell, Greer, Adan Schwartz, William J. Palermo, Mark Fisher, Roy S. Belden, Robert John Martineau, Jr. Advanced Air permitting with EPA's "Any Credible Evidence" Rule: perspectives
Natural Gas Project Mock Negotiation - Cogan, John P., Weems, Philip R. Delegates Documentation
The Future of Timberland Investments: Timber Supply and Demand, Environmental Protection Issues, and Future Product Development - Cubbage, Frederick W. Southern timber supply and demand - Haney, Harry L. Jr. Environmental issues related to urban sprawl: the proliferation of local ordinances regulating forestry activities and the growing use of conservation easements - Price, Eddie W. Woods products today and tomorrow
Brownfields Urban Redevelopment, Part 2: Regional Perspective (Postcards from the Provinces-How Brownfields are Working Across the Country) - Watson, Sara Beth Program overview - Macfarlane, Ross How Brownfields cleanup incentives are working in Washington State - Milner, John E. Brownfields programs in the southeast - Chamberlin, Denise K. Streamlining the process with the Pennsylvania land recycling program
Developments in Environmental and Toxic Tort Class Actions - Rudlin, Alan D. Recent developments in environmental and toxic tort class actions - Barriere, Brent B. Certification issues in mass tort class actions: challenges, appeals and settlement
Implementing Greenhouse Gas Reductions: The Frame, the Nuts and the Bolts - Brenes, Esteban The prototype carbon found: mobilizing private and public resources to combat climate change
Engaging the Reluctant Landowner: How is Landowners Encouraged to Participate in an "Umbrella" Habitat Conservation Plan - Murray, William R. Introducing an overview of endangered species act - Glen, Alan M. It's a permit, stupid: staying focused on the landowner's role in "umbrella" habitat conservation plans - Lohr, Steven M. The South Carolina safe harbor program: protecting of landowners and preserving the federally engaged red-cockaded woodpecker - Thornton, Robert D. New techniques in habitat conservation planning: engaging the reluctant landowner in the face of regulatory and legislative instability
Volume II:
Contaminated Sediments: Science, Law and Politics - Reed, Larry G EPA's perspective on contaminated sediments - Hsiao, Peter Contaminated sediment clean-up and liability from the perspective of potentially responsible parties - Bibler, Gregory A Regulatory framework for remediation of contaminated sediments: a functional analysis - Betts, Brett Establishment and use of Washington state sediment cleanup standards - Johnson, Eric D Sediment management and harbor cleanups in Washington state: a postcard from the edge - Palermo, Michael R. Corps of engineers in contaminated sediment management and remediation
Contaminated Sediments: Is Remedy Selection the Beginning or the End of the NRDA Process? - Adams, Gregory D. Coordinated approaches to investigation, remedy selection, NRDA and coast allocations at contaminated sediments sites - Connaughton, James L. Developing sensible policy for addressing contaminated sediments based on actual site experience
Current Issues in Energy Litigation - Martin, Patrick H. Royalty issues: post-production coasts - Haglund, Deborah Bahn, Michael E. Coney, Lawerence P. Simon, Jr. Current issues in energy litigation
Sediment Management Remedial Alternatives and Case Studies - Nadeau, Steven C. Sediment management issues: the next CERCLA frontier - Nadeau, Steven C. Manistique harbor, Michigan case study - Thidobeaux, Louis J. Environmental dredging: double-edged sword contaminated bed sediment
Making the Skeletons in the Closet Behave: New Tools for Managing the Financial Risks of Remediation Liability for Corporate Clients - Woods, Kristina M. Introductory remarks and case study for discussion - Jozefiak, Stanly W. Special remedial organizations - Theiss, John J. Guaranteed business solutions Guaranteed Remediation Program (GRiP)
Gulf of Mexico Estuaries, Coastal Wetlands Loss and Coastal Restoration - DeHihns III, Lee A. Moderator's overview - Gagliano, Sherwood M. Restructuring coastal Louisiana: issues and problems
Making the Deal: Business Considerations in Analyzing, Acquiring, and Financing Private Timberland Transactions - Headley, Peter S. Financing a secured timberland transaction: a lender's perspective - Molpus, Dick Timberland investing: criteria and friends - Olson, Scott C Strategic considerations in acquiring timberlands from a forest industry perspective
Environmental Forensics Part 1: Remote Sensing, Aerial Photo Interpretation and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - Grip, Wayne M. Applications of photointerpretation and photogrammetry in environmental forensic investigations - Rusk, George A. Geographic information system applications: adding value to environmental projects and litigation
Environmental Justice: Strategies and Tools for the New Millennium - Goode, Ann E. U.S. EPA Draft Title VI guidance documents - Kuehn, Robert R. Taxonomy of environmental justice
EPA's Proposed Rules on Total Maximum Daily Loads: Impacts on Agriculture and Forestry - Houck, Oliver Introduction to the Clean Water Act TMDL program - Shanks, Patricia L. The TMDL rule: is EPA asking too much from Clean Water Act Section 303(d)?
Distributed Generation- A Power Source for the New Millennium - Alderfer, R. Brent Regulatory policy - opening the market for distributed power
Criminal Jeopardy - How to Respond to an Environmental Criminal Investigation - Savit, Mark N, George A Phair, Howard C Parker, Robert N. Habans, Shuan G. Clarke The expanding scope of environmental criminal law: Prosecution and defense perspectives - Parker, Howard C. Sample document
Environmental Forensics Part II: State-of-the-Art Field Investigation Techniques - Moore, Michael B. Innovations in field analysis site characterization techniques for contaminated sites - emphasizing best available technologies data presentation methods
Firing Line: Enhancing Your Skills in Dealing with the Public and Media on Crisis Management No materials were submitted for publication
Recent Important Developments in Compliance and Enforcement - Domike, Julie R. Compliance and enforcement update - panel material
Mississippi River Basin and the Coastal Dead Zone ("Hypoxia") - Walker, Nathalie M. What killed the dead zone - and what can be done about it?
Maximizing the Investment: Tax, Public Policy, and Environmental Concerns in Acquisition and Management of the Timberlands - Berger, Mary J. Discussion hypothetical - Siegel, William C. Tax issues in the acquisition and management of timberlands - Berger, Marry J. This timberland is your land; this timberland is my land - Dicharry, Paul O. Environmental due diligence in forest resource acquisitions
Ethical Hazards in Today's Environment: Contemporary Pitfalls, Perspectives, and Solutions - Tuft, Mark L. Hypothetical Scenario - Redding, Brian J. Current problems in legal ethics and lawyer liability for large law firms
About the speakers
- Creation: 1956-2001
- From the Collection: Dolge, Kathy (Person)
The collection is in English.
The collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 21.0 Linear Feet (21 boxes)
Repository Details
Part of the Water Resources Collections & Archives Repository
University of California
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