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Letter to Fred G. Aandahl, assistant Secretary of the interior, U.S. Department of the interior, and to Dewey Short, assistant Secretary of the Army, U.S. Department of the Army. Sacramento, (Regarding a review of policies and procedures governing construction and operation of federal multi-purpose reservoir projects in the Central Valley of California.), November 7, 1958

 Item — Box: 2, Item: 1-72

Collection Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The collection consists of press releases, speeches (many by former DWR Directors), news clippings, reports, photographs, and miscellaneous memoranda on California water resources development during the period 1950-1965. Some of the material was used as source material for Cooper's book, Aqueduct Empire: A Guide to Water in California, its Turbulent History and its Management today,published in 1968. The collection is particularly outstanding in its coverage of the California State Water Project (Feather River Water Project).


  • Creation: November 7, 1958



From the Collection:

The collection is in English.


The collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 5.42 Linear Feet (13 boxes)

Repository Details

Part of the Water Resources Collections & Archives Repository

University of California
Rivera Library
P.O. Box 5900
Riverside CA 92517-5900 United States