When the levees break: Relief cuts and flood management in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4qt8v88d
- G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection | Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012 | Sub-Series 1.16. Spring Semester 2008, 2008 | Fransen, Lindsey; Ludy, Jessica and Mary Matella. When the levees break: Relief cuts and flood management in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Repository Details
Part of the Water Resources Collections & Archives Repository
University of California
Rivera Library
P.O. Box 5900
Riverside CA 92517-5900 United States
University of California
Rivera Library
P.O. Box 5900
Riverside CA 92517-5900 United States