G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Identifier: WRCA-154
Preservation of a Pristine Lake for Future Generations: Llanquihue Lake, X Region, Chile
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/8b5146kj
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.19. Spring Semester 2012, 2012
Delorenzo, Angela and Mariana Colibri. Preservation of a Pristine Lake for Future Generations: Llanquihue Lake, X Region, Chile, 2012
Protecting Solar Rights in California Through an Exploration of the California Water Doctrine
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5915z1xc
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.18. Spring Semester 2011, 2011
Fedman, Anna. Protecting Solar Rights in California Through an Exploration of the California Water Doctrine, 2011
Quantifying stream flow loss to groundwater on alluvial valley streams in Sonoma County
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/1zb2j2cv
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.19. Spring Semester 2012, 2012
Janes, Kelly and Jose Carrasco. Quantifying Streamflow Loss to Groundwater on Alluvial Valley Streams in Sonoma County, 2012
Rainwater Harvesting in San Francisco Schools
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3zq906fq
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.18. Spring Semester 2011, 2011
Bintliff, Jacob M. Rainwater Harvesting in San Francisco Schools, 2011
Redesigning Marsh Creek Dam to allow Chinook salmon passage, flood protection, and mercury sedimentation
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2pt0g709
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.11. Fall Semester 2003, 2003
McNulty, M. Eliza and Mathew Wickland. Redesigning Marsh Creek Dam to allow Chinook salmon passage, flood protection, and mercury sedimentation, 2003
Redwood Creek, Marin County 2010 Monitoring Study of a Salmonid Habitat Stream Restoration Project: Seven Year Post‐Project Evaluation
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4wr2n51h
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.17. Fall Semester 2010, 2010
Crockett, Richard; Cundy, Fiona; and Colin Hanley. Redwood Creek, Marin County 2010 Monitoring Study of a Salmonid Habitat Stream Restoration Project: Seven year Post-project Evaluation, 2010
Relationship between juvenile steelhead survival and winter habitat availability
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6tc4r4fv
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.18. Spring Semester 2011, 2011
Huber, Eric.; Kayed, Sammy and Charles Post. Relationship Between Juvenile Steelhead Survival and Winter Habitat Availability, 2011
Remote Sensing and Field Mapping: Requisite Bed Fellows for Assessing River Systems
Digital Record
Identifier: http://escholarship.org/uc/item/16f4q4hp
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.17. Spring Semester 2009, 2009
Beagle, Julie. Remote sensing and field mapping: requisite bed fellows for assessing river systems, 2009
Reservoir Management in Mediterranean Climates through the European Water Framework Directive
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5kt93100
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.17. Spring Semester 2009, 2009
O'Reilly, Clare and Rafael Silberblatt. Reservoir management in Mediterranean climates through European Water Framework Directive, 2009
Restoration Potential of a Mining-Impacted Urban Stream: Horseshoe Branch of Lion Creek, Oakland, CA
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/95z210sg
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.17. Fall Semester 2010, 2010
Hackenjoes, Bethany; Woelfle-Erskine, Cleo; and Jacob Wood. Restoration Potential of a Mining-impacted Urban Stream: Horseshoe Branch of Lion Creek, Oakland, CA, 2010