G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Identifier: WRCA-154
The implementation of the Lower Silver Creek watershed project
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/80j3n0kk
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Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.11. Fall Semester 2003, 2003
Keenan, Christina and Mariah McPherson. The implementation of the Lower Silver Creek Watershed Project, 2003
The influence of large woody debris on channel form, upper Scott Creek, Santa Cruz County
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0vw2753k
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.13. Spring Semester 2004, 2004
Garcia, Luis and Rodrigo Orduna. The influence of large woody debris on channel form, upper Scott Creek, Santa Cruz County, 2004
The perfect storm: flow through a restored compound channel: Tassajara Creek, Dublin, CA: assessment of the roughness, flow, floodplain conveyance, and compound channel capacity of the restoration of Tassajara Creek from the high-water marks of a 20-year storm
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/1hp742bt
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.15. Spring Semester 2006, 2006
Chan, Andre and Sarah K. Heard. The perfect storm: flow through a restored compound channel: Tassajara Creek, Dublin, CA: assessment of the roughness, flow, floodplain conveyance, and compound channel capacity of the restoration of Tassajara Creek from the high-water marks of a 20-year storm, 2006
The Pipe vs. The Shed: Waste Water compared with Natural Hydrology in an Urban Setting
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/56s58126
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.18. Spring Semester 2011, 2011
Lather, Alaska and Monika Wozniak. The Pipe vs. the Shed: Waste Water Compared with Natural Hydrology in an Urban Setting, 2011
The water balance relationship among Rodeo Tidal Lagoon, its watershed, and the ocean
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/1zb6p0z9
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.11. Fall Semester 2003, 2003
Burson, Kyla. The water balance relationship among Rodeo tidal lagoon, its watershed, and the ocean, 2003
The Water-Wise Vegetable Garden: An Analysis of the Potential for Irrigation through Rainwater Harvesting in Sunny Northern California
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/7jj319ws
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.17. Spring Semester 2009, 2009
Smith, Adrienne and Elisabeth Esterer-Vogel. The water-wise vegetable garden: an analysis of the potential for irrigation through rainwater harvesting in sunny northern California, 2009
Tidal channel and marshplain development: Cooley Landing salt pond restoration
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/8m56948z
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.11. Fall Semester 2003, 2003
Garrity, Nick Tidal channel and marshplain development: Cooley Landing salt pond restoration, 2003
Towards a Stable Future: A Design Proposal for Cerrito Creek in Blake Garden, Kensington, California
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5jh1g865
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.17. Fall Semester 2010, 2010
Greenberg, Karuna; Pinto, Pedro; and Catherine Sherraden. Towards a Stable Future: A Design Proposal for Cerrito Creek in Blake Garden, Kensington, California, 2010
Unpaving the Way to Creek Restoration in Lower Sausal Creek Watershed: Applying the EU Water Framework Directive to a US Urban Watershed
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6wx269zj
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.16. Spring Semester 2008, 2008
Li, Hong and Jane Wardani. Unpaving the Way to Creek Restoration in Lower Sausal Creek Watershed: Applying the EU Water Framework Directive to a US Urban Watershed, 2008
Updated flood frequencies and a canal breach on the upper Klamath River
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/8nj7406z
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.15. Spring Semester 2006, 2006
Fahey, Dan. Updated flood frequencies and a canal breach on the upper Klamath River, 2006