G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Identifier: WRCA-154
A Watershed Approach to Urban River Restoration: A Conceptual Restoration Plan for Sausal Creek
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/96r2m2c6
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.16. Spring Semester 2008, 2008
Ippolito, Teresa and Kristen Podolak. A Watershed Approach to Urban River Restoration: A Conceptual Restoration Plan for Sausal Creek, 2008
Accountability in Emerging Forms of Governance: A Comparison of the California Bay-Delta Process and the European Water Framework Directive
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/9cg8n96f
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.16. Spring Semester 2008, 2008
Di Vittorio, Sarah; Cole, Noelle and Tamar Cooper. Accountability in Emerging Forms of Governance: A Comparison of the California Bay-Delta Process and the European Water Framework Directive , 2008
Adaptive management in river restoration: theory vs. practice in western North America
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/1611w85p
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.12. Fall Semester 2004, 2004
Levine, Jesse. Adaptive management in river restoration: theory vs. practice in western North America, 2004
Along Sausal Creek: an assessment of vegetation, habitat, and morphology of an adopted urban creek
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6618r5h4
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.11. Fall Semester 2003, 2003
Chanse, Vikki and Christy Herron. Along Sausal Creek: an assessment of vegetation, habitat, and morphology of an adopted urban creek, 2003
Alteration of the groundwater table due to construction of a floodplain bypass at Upper Pine Creek, Concord, California
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/7n3132jp
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.11. Fall Semester 2003, 2003
Williams, John L., III. Alteration of the groundwater table due to construction of a floodplain bypass at Upper Pine Creek, Concord, California, 2003
Assessing channel morphology following a floodplain restoration project: Wildcat Creek, Richmond, CA
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6jw0g84f
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.13. Spring Semester 2004, 2004
Holt, Ashley and Charles F. Battaglia. Assessing channel morphology following a floodplain restoration project: Wildcat Creek, Richmond, CA, 2004
Assessing the Feasibility of Creek Daylighting in San Francisco, Part I: A Synthesis of Lessons Learned from Existing Urban Daylighting Projects
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4m48c7x7
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.15. Fall Semester 2007, 2007
Smith, Brooke Ray. Assessing the Feasibility of Creek Daylighting in San Francisco, Part I: A Synthesis of Lessons Learned from Existing Urban Daylighting Projects, 2007
Barriers for steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) smolt migration through the lower flood channel of Alameda Creek
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/66z191pd
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.17. Spring Semester 2009, 2009
Cervantes-Yoshida, Kristina. Barriers for steelhead (oncorhynchus mykiss) smolt migration through the lower flood channel of Alameda Creek: final draft, 2009
Baxter Creek Gateway Park: assessment of an urban stream restoration project
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/95j1z0vv
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.14. Fall Semester 2006, 2006
Goodman, Judd; Lunde, Kevin B. and Theresa Zaro. Baxter Creek Gateway Park: An Assessment of an Urban Stream Restoration Project, 2006
Best Management Practices for the Los Angeles River: Taylor Yard Case Study
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4gh3s88f
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.18. Spring Semester 2011, 2011
Sousa, Ricardo C. and Michael Cook. Best Management Practices for the Los Angeles River: Taylor Yard Case Study, 2011