G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Identifier: WRCA-154
Biodiversity Corridors in Alamo Creek, Vacaville, California
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6vx1v8gv
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.19. Spring Semester 2012, 2012
Urrechaga, Jose and Xinghan Wei. Biodiversity Corridors in Alamo Creek, Vacaville, California, 2012
Blackberry Creek Daylighting Project, Berkeley: Ten-Year Post-Project Appraisal
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0q3257n9
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.13. Fall Semester 2005, 2005
Gerson, Stephanie; Wardani, Jane and Shavi Niazi. Blackberry Creek Daylighting Project, Berkeley: Ten-Year Post-Project Appraisal, 2005
Carneros Creek: Assessing restoration implications for a sinuous stream using 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional simulation models
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/37t7f5hb
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.16. Fall Semester 2008, 2008
Beagle, Julie; Marzion, Rachael; and Mary Matella. Carneros Creek: Assessing Restoration Implications for an Sinuous Stream using 1-Dimensional and 2-Dimensional Models, 2008
Cerrito Creek step-pools: An opportunity for restoration and education at Blake Garden
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/04k4410p
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.16. Fall Semester 2008, 2008
Behrends, Nathaniel. Cerrito Creek Step-Pools: An Opportunity for Restoration and Education at Blake Garden, 2008
Changes in Flood Management along the Pajaro River: A Transition to Watershed Management Approaches and Lessons from the Water Framework Directive and Flood Directive
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/04f465nq
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.17. Spring Semester 2009, 2009
Jagger, Stacie. Changes in flood management along the Pajaro River: a transition to watershed management approaches and lessons from the water framework directive and flood directive, 2009
Channel Design to Increase Wastewater Treatment Wetland Capacity and Connectivity in Stockton, CA
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4f91r04k
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.15. Spring Semester 2006, 2006
Cubbison, Erin O. Channel design to increase wastewater treatment wetland capacity and connectivity in Stockton, CA, 2006
Channel incision in Rodeo Creek, Marin County
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5c154206
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.13. Spring Semester 2004, 2004
Bass, Phoebe and Min Choy. Channel incision in Rodeo Creek, Marin County, 2004
Channel response to Dam Removal, Clear Creek, California
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/02v4m1hw
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 2. Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning 227 Term Projects, 1992-2011
Sub-Series 2.11. Fall Semester 2003, 2003
Miller, Peter and Pilar Vizcaino. Channel response to dam removal, Clear Creek, California, 2003
China Camp's race against the tides: Predicting tidal marsh survival through comparison of project sea level rise elevations and sediment accretion rates
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/1vk614rw
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.19. Spring Semester 2012, 2012
Hannah, Whitney and Marlene Kuhn. China Camp's Race Against the Tides: Predicting Tidal Marsh Survival Through Comparison of Project Sea Level Rise Elevations and Sediment Accretion Rates, 2012
Climate Change and Water Resources in California: The Cost of Conservation versus Supply Augmentation for the East Bay Municipal Utility District
Digital Record
Identifier: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/1xj9m7nv
Found in:
Water Resources Collections & Archives
G. Mathias Kondolf Landscape Architecture Term Projects collection
Series 1. Landscape Architecture 222 Term Projects, 1990-2012
Sub-Series 1.17. Spring Semester 2009, 2009
Mourad, Bessma. Climate change and water resources in California: the cost of conservation versus supply augmentation for the East Bay Municipal Utility District, 2009