Box 12
Contains 120 Results:
Further investigation of the pitot-static tube,
by Kenneth G. Merriam and Ellis R. Spaulding, Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences,Vol.3, pp.55-57, November 1935
The collection consists of reports and papers on the subjects of pumps, turbines, fans, metering and flow (hydraulics).
A general correlation of friction factors for various types of surfaces in cross flow,
by A.Y. Gunter and W.A. Shaw, reprinted from the Transactionsof the ASME Heat Transfer Division. pp.643-659, 1945
The collection consists of reports and papers on the subjects of pumps, turbines, fans, metering and flow (hydraulics).
Design of modern industrial piping systems; the flow of fluids,
Tube-Turns, Incorporated, Lousiville, Ky, 1935
The flow of air and gas in vertical flue coke ovens,
by George A. Davis, Wilputte Coke Oven Corporation, 1945
The collection consists of reports and papers on the subjects of pumps, turbines, fans, metering and flow (hydraulics).
Pipe factors for quantity rate flow measurements with pitot tubes,
by R.G. Folsom and H.W. Iversen, ASME, New York, January1949
The collection consists of reports and papers on the subjects of pumps, turbines, fans, metering and flow (hydraulics).
The rating and use of current meters,
by Carl Rohwer, Colorado Experiment Station, Fort Collins (Tech. bulletin 3), May 1933
The collection consists of reports and papers on the subjects of pumps, turbines, fans, metering and flow (hydraulics).
Water measurement,
by Wayne D. Criddle and Eldon M. Stock, Utah State Engineering Experiment Station, Logan. (Bulletin no.2), June 9, 1941
The collection consists of reports and papers on the subjects of pumps, turbines, fans, metering and flow (hydraulics).
Strömungsmessungen im Mündungsgebiet der Elbe. Wassermengenbestimmungen im Tidegebiet,
von John.Th. Schäzler; Strommessungen im Meere. Eichung des Richtungszeigers an einem Schwimmflügel für Strommessungen im Tidengebiet,
von K. Lüders, Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung vereignight mit Zeitschrift für Bauwesen,Berlin, 1931-1932
The collection consists of reports and papers on the subjects of pumps, turbines, fans, metering and flow (hydraulics).
A view on discharge coefficient for large rectangular notches or weirs,
by Kensaburo Toyoda, Research Reports of Faculty of Engineering,Meiji University, No.6, pp.1-10, 1955
The collection consists of reports and papers on the subjects of pumps, turbines, fans, metering and flow (hydraulics).
Equipment for river measurements; plans and specifications for structures from which discharge measurements are made (Revised edition),
U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Branch, 1933
The collection consists of reports and papers on the subjects of pumps, turbines, fans, metering and flow (hydraulics).