Box 1
Contains 69 Results:
Workshop on geothermal reservoir engineering, December 15-17, 1975
Summaries. Interdisciplinary Research in Engineering and Earth Sciences. Stanford Geothermal Program. Stanford University. December 15-17, 1975
Scherer, Charles R., December 15-17, 1975
On the optimal rate of geothermal energy extraction. Workshop on Geothermal Energy. Stanford Geothermal Program. Stanford University. December 15-17, 1975
Witherspoon, Paul A. and John E. Gale, January 1976
Mechanical and hydraulic properties of rocks related to induced seismicity. Prepared for the U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration. January 1976 LBL-4455.
Wittenbrock, N. G., January 1976
Distribution systems for district heating in North America: a survey conducted for Battelle-Institut e. V. Richland, Wash.: Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories. January 1976 Various paging.
Silvester, Leonard F., Kenneth S. Pitzer, and Energy and Environment Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California, January 1976
Thermodynamics of geothermal brines. I. Thermodynamic properties of vapor-saturated NaCl (aq) solutions from 0-300° C. January 1976 LBL-4456. UC-66. TID-4500-R64.
Peterson, Frederick M. and Anthony C. Fisher, February 1976
The Economics of natural resources. University of Maryland. February 1976
Kolata, Gina Bari, 27 February 1976
Moving boundary problems: advances on several fronts. Science, Vol. 191 27 February 1976 pages 841-842.
Hafele, Wolf and Wolfgang Sassin, March 1976
Energy strategies. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. March 1976 PR-76-8.
Hilber, Hans M., Thomas J. R. Hughes, Robert L. Taylor, April 1976
Improved numerical dissipation for time integration algorithms in structural dynamics. Prepared for the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration. April 1976 LBL-4486.