Box 2
Contains 58 Results:
Faust, Charles R. and James W. Mercer, 1977
Theoretical analysis of fluid flow and energy transport in hydrothermal systems. U. S. Geological Survey. Open-File Report 77-60. 1977
Dougherty, Elmer L. and John Lohrenz, 1977
Money left on the table in sealed, competitive bidding: federal offshore oil and gas lease bids. Prepared for the 1977 Economics and Evaluation Symposium of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 1977 SPE 6501.
Faust, Charles R. and James W. Mercer, 1977
Finite-difference model of two-dimensional, single-, and two-phase heat transport in a porous medium--Version I. U. S. Geological Survey. Open-File Report 77-234. 1977
Energy and Environment Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, April 1977
Geothermal subsidence research program plan. April 1977 Prepared for the U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration. University of California, Berkeley. LBL-5983. UC-66E. TID-4500-R65.
VTN Consolidated, Inc. and CSL Associates, Inc., April 1977
Economic study of low temperature geothermal energy in Lassen and Modoc counties California. Prepared for the State of California Division of Oil and Gas and the Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission. Job 2175-3. April 1977
Lippman, Marcelo J., Chin Fu Tsang and Paul A. Witherspoon, 1977
Analysis of the response of geothermal reservoirs under injection and production procedures. Prepared for the 1977 47th Annual California Regional Meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. 1977 SPE 6537.
Lippmann, M. J., B. Dominguez Aguirre, H. A. Wollenberg, et al., April 1977
Open file data on the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field. Prepared for the U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration. April 1977 Energy and Environment Division. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. University of California, Berkeley. LBL-6321. UC-66b. TID 4500-R65.
Narasimhan, T. N. and P. A. Witherspoon, May 1977
Reservoir evaluation tests on RRGE 1 and RRGE 2, Raft River Geothermal Project, Idaho. Prepared for the U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration. May 1977 Energy and Environment Division. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. University of California, Berkeley. LBL 5958. UC-66b. TID 4500-R65.
Dey, Abhijit and H. F. Morrison, June 1977
An Analysis of the bipole-dipole resistivity method for geothermal exploration. Prepared for the U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration. June 1977 Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. University of California, Berkeley. LBL-6332. UC-66b. TID-4500-R65.
Phillips, Sidney L., Ashwani K. Mathur, and Raymond E. Doebler, November 1977
A Study of brine treatment. Prepared for Electric Power Research Institute. November 1977 EPRI ER-476. Project 791. LBL-6371. UC 66d. TID-4500-R65. Final Report. Various paging.