Box 2
Contains 58 Results:
Greider, Robert
Economic considerations for geothermal exploration in the western United States. Chevron Oil Company.
Gringarten, A. C. and J. P. Sauty
A Theoretical study of heat extraction from aquifers with uniform regional flow. Orleans, France: Bureau de recherches geologiques et minieres.
Gholami, Mohamad Reza
Effect of temperature on power plant efficiency. Author's MS. copy.
Bloomster, C. H. and C. A. Knutsen, 1989
The Economics of geothermal electricity generation from hydrothermal resources. Richland, Wash.: Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories. BNWL 1989 UC 13. Prepared for the U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration.
Mercer, James W., Jr., Charles Faust, and George F. Pinder
Geothermal reservoir simulation. pages 256-267.
Spann, Robert M. and Edward W. Erickson
Joint costs and separability in oil and gas exploration. pages 212-250.
Burt, Oscar R. and Ronald G. Cummings
Production and investment in natural resource industries. The American Economic Review. pages 576-590.
Zoega, J. and G. Kristinsson
The Reykjavik district heating system.