Box 32
Contains 66 Results:
Meyer-Peter, E., Henry Favre and Robert Müller. Beitrag zur berechnung der geschiebeführung und der normalprofilbrette von gebirgsflüssen, Schweizer Bauzeitung, Vol. 105, No. 9, March 10, 1935
English translation: Contribution to calculations on bedload carriage and the normal width of the profile of mountain streams.
Indri, Egidio. Sulla forza di trascinamento delle correnti liquide, L'energia Elettrica, Fascicolo XII, Vol. XI, December 8, 1934
Also English translation: Transporting forces of liquid current.
Casey, Hugh J. Über geschiebebewegung. Berlin, Preussischen Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Schiffbau, 1935
(Mitteilungen, Heft 19). Also English translation: Concerning geschiebe movement.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Waterways Experiment Station. Critical tractive force tests, 1935
(Its Technical memorandum no.69-1).
Shults, Samuel. The Schoklitsch bed-load formula, reprint from Engineering, pp. 644-46, 687, 1935
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Missouri River silt report. Unpublished figures and diagrams, 1935
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Jorissen, Andre L. Experimental study of bed load transportation in river channel. Unpublished Masters thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, 1936
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
MacDougall, C. H. An experimental investigation of bed sediment transportation: Appendix I, 1932-1933
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Indri, Egidio. Sulla determinazione della portata solida nei corsi d'acqua naturali, Atti dell' VIII Congresso Nazionale delle Acque, Padova, 1935
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Indri, Egidio. Nuove ricerche sulla forza di trascinamento delle correnti liquide, L'Energia Elettrica, Fascicolo IV, Vol. XIII, April 1936
English translation: New research on the transporting force of streams.