Box 35
Contains 64 Results:
Schumm, S.A. and R.W. Lichty. Time, space, and causality in geomorphology, American Journal of Science, Vol. 263, pp. 110-119, February 1965
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Thompson, Ronald H. Navigable channel maintenance, Central Valley Basin, California, undated
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Bauer, Franz. Der geschiebehaushalt der bayerischen donau im wandel wasserbaulicher massnahmen, Die Wasserwirtschaft, 55 Jahrgang, Heft 4 u. 5, 1965
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Burz, Jean. Abrieb und sohlengefälle, Deutsche Gewässerkundliche Mitteilungen, 9 Jahrgang, Heft 2, April 1965. pp. 29-32, 1965
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Kuiper, E. and H.G. Riesen. Saskatchewan River reclamation project; notes on river morphology. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Department of Agriculture, Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, 1955
(Interim report no. 9)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Waterways Experiment Station. Choctaw Bar Reach (Mile 555.8-567.0 AHP); analysis of channels and probable effects of proposed dikes. Vicksburg, Miss, 1967
(Special study report 3-1)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Waterways Experiment Station. Upper Greenville Reach (Mile 541.5-550.5 AHP); hydraulic analysis of channels and evaluation of dike systems. Vicksburg, Miss, 1968
(Evaluation of dike systems report 1-2)
Burke, Pearl Pierce. Effect of water temperature on discharge and bed configuration, Mississippi River at Red River Landing, Louisiana. Prepared for Technical Session of Meeting of Committee on Channel Stabilization, U.S. Corps of Engineers, New Orleans, La, April 6-9, 1965
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Hansen, Eggert. Bed load investigation in Skive-Karup River, reprint from Ingeniøren, Transactions no. 3, 1966
(Contributions from Hydraulic Laboratory, Technical University of Denmark, Bulletin no. 12)
Klingeman, Peter C. Engineering design of spawning bed structures. Presented at the 6th Annual Meeting, Oregon Chapter of American Fisheries Society, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Ore, January 10, 1969
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.