Box 36
Contains 89 Results:
Hom-ma, M., K. Horikawa and C. Sonu. A study on beach sediment at Eno-Shima and Kamakura. pp. 59-72, undated
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Vera-Cruz, D. Transporte solido em costas arenosas. Lisboa, Ministerio das Obras Publicas, Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, 1960
(Memoria no. 145)
Shinohara, Kinji, Toichiro Tsubaki and Takashi Saito. Laboratory investigation of the equilibrium profiles of a sandy beach, reprint from Reports of Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Vol. IX, No. 34, pp. 57-86, 1961
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Rip-rap protection for Mangla Dam, West Pakistan, Hydraulics Research Station Notes, No. 4, May 1962
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Jolliffe, I. P. An experiment designed to compare the relative rates of movement of different sizes of beach pebble, reprint from Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, Vol. 75, Part 1, pp. 67-86, 1964
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Shimano, T., et al. Functions of groins: fundamental study on beach sediment affected by groins. pp. 111-121, undated
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Hom-ma, M., K. Horikawa and C. Sonu. A study on beach sediment at Eno-Shima and Kamakura. pp. 59-72, undated
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Rance, P. J. The determination of quantities of sediment transport in oscillatory motion by consideration of the dispersion of tracer-sediment. Wallingford, England, Hydraulics Research Station, 1963
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Denmark. Technical University. Coastal Engineering Laboratory. Basic research - progress report 12: On the existence of universal velocity distribution in an oscillatory, turbulent boundary layer, by Ivar G. Jonsson, and Added moment of inertia for a rotating plate, by Frank Engelund. Copenhagen, 1966
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Bonnefille, R. and L. Pernecker. Le debut d'entrainement des sediments sous l'action de la houle, Bulletin du Centre de Recherches et d'Essais de Chatou, Electricite de France, No. 15, pp. 27-32, March 1966
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.