Box 39
Contains 100 Results:
Aly, Hassan Wahby Morsy. Mechanics of degradation and roughness in alluvial channels. Unpublished thesis (Ph.D.) in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, July 1969
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Günter, Arthur. Die kritische mittlere sohlenschubspannung bei geschiebemischungen unter berücksichtigung der deckschichtbildung und der turbulenzbedingten sohlenschubspannungsschwankungen. Zurich, Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zurich, 1971
(Mitteilungen der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, No. 3)
Bulle, Hermann. Untersuchungen über die geschiebeableitung bei der spaltung von wasserläufen; modellversuche aus dem Flussbaulaboratorium der Technischen Hochschule zu Karlsruhe. Berlin, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, 1926
(Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Debiete des Ingenieurwesens, Heft 283)
Smrcek, A. La protection contre les affouillements; essais sur modeles reduits du barrage de Pizançon, sur l'Isere, La Genie Civil, Fev. 16, 1929
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Rehbock, Th. Die Verhütung Schadlicher Kolke bei Sturzbetten, Der Bauingenieur, Heft 4/5, 1928
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Savarensky, A. D. Peculiarities of erosion in the downstream pool of dams on mountainous rivers. U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1934
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Engineer School, Fort Humphreys, Va. River and harbor improvement location of contraction works; company officers course, 1933-1934
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Burkov, A. T. Silt at Zemo Avchal Hydro-electric Plant on the Kura River, Transactions of the Scientific Research Institute of Hydrotechnics, Leningrad, Vol. XI, pp. 96-137, 1934
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Rohr, Fritz. Wasser-und Sinkstoff-Bewegungen in fluss-und Seehäfen. Munchen und Berlin, Flussbaulaboratorium der Technischen Hochschule zu Karlsruhe, 1934
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Bengtson, T. F. On scour below dams. U.S. Army corps of Engineers, 1935
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.