Box 39
Contains 100 Results:
Vanoni, Vito A. and J. T. O'Brien. Hydraulic model studies of Cebada and Purisima wasteway structures. Pasadena, California Institute of Technology, Hydrodynamics Laboratories, 1949
(Report no. A-70)
Carlson, E. J. and R. A. Dodge, Jr. Control of alluvial rivers by steel jetties. Prepared for the First Water Resources Engineering Conference, ASCE, Omaha, Neb, May 14-18, 1962
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Carlson, E. J. and P. F. Enger. Sediment control at a headworks using guide vanes. Prepared for the Federal Inter-Agency Sedimentation Conference, Jackson, Mass, January 28 - February 1, 1963
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Bribiesca, Jose, L. Sanchez and Carlos Cruickshank. Contribucion a la hidraulica del cierre de cauces, in Ingenieria, Enero pp. 31-44, 1963
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Tsuchiya, Yoshito. Basic studies on the criterion for scour resulting from flows downstream of an outlet. Kyoto, Japan, Kyoto University, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, 1963
(Bulletin no. 63)
Peru. Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria. Laboratorio Nacional de Hidraulica. Estudio en modelo hidraulico de la erosion del cauce al pie de la represa de aguada blanca. Lima, 1965
(Informe tecnico 3.001)
Kerr, John A. Selected extracts concerning sedimentation and erosion problems in dam construction. Prepared in cooperation with R. K. Kilborn Associates. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1961
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Benini, Giuseppe. Researches on sedimentation in settling basins carried out on real plants and on hydraulic models, L'Energia Elettrica, Vol. XXXVII, No. 4, 1960
(Istituto di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche dell' Universita di Padova, Studi e ricerche no. 212)
Palnitkar, V. G. A new type of anicut or diversion weir on small streams with permeable and friable foundations; first six monthly progress report for the period May 1965 to September 1965. Hyderabad, Osmania University, University College of Engineering, 1965
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.
Palnitkar, V. G. A new type of anicut or diversion weir on small streams with permeable and friable foundations; second six monthly progress report for the period October 1965 to March 1966. Hyderabad, Osmania University, University College of Engineering, 1966
Articles, reprints, and printed materials on an assortment of subject matters related to sediment transport.