Showing Collections: 671 - 680 of 847
Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Animation conventions collection
This collection contains programs, bags, pins, books, flyers, and other material on Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Animation conventions, which happen around the world to commemorate said genres. Contains information from conventions such as Loscon, Denvention, and others.
Science Fiction Poetry Association records
This collection contains publications, ballots, and other material from the Science Fiction Poetry Association. Includes issues of Star*Line and the Rhysling Anthology.
Fred C. Scobey papers
The collection consists of correspondence, reports, notes, and photographs, relating to pipelines, aqueducts, irrigation systems, culverts, flow of water and capacity of pipes, conduits and sewers, spillways, municipal water supply, and mapping techniques for Rio Grande Joint Investigation.
Jody Scott papers
This is a collection of notes, outlines, manuscript drafts, and some correspondence from feminist science fiction author Jody Scott.
Corinne A. Seeds papers
This collection contains notes, photographs, manuscripts, syllabi, and other material regarding the education curriculum of Corinne A. Seeds, principal of the Training School of the University of California, Southern Branch (UCLA). Material related to her work with Helen Heffernan in Riverside, California is also included.
Seminario Internacional Escenarios Políticos de la Transición a la Democracia records
This collection contains newspaper clippings and conference papers related to the "Seminario Internacional Escenarios Politicos de la Transición a la Democracia," a seminar held in July of 1989 that discussed the various political transitions from socialism to democracy occurring in Latin America.
Seminario Partidos Políticos en los Procesos de Democratización records
This collection contains schedules and proceedings from the "Seminario Partidos Políticos en los Procesos de Democratización," a seminar on the democratization of political parties in Paraguay held in 1989 and organized by the Grupo de Trabajo de Partidos Politicos (CLACSO) and the Centro Paraguayo de Estudios Sociologicos (CPES).
University of California, Riverside, Senior theses
This collection contains senior theses completed by undergraduate students at the University of California, Riverside from 1954-1970.
Sewerage Agency of Southern Marin records
The collection consists of records from the Sewerage Agency of Southern Marin, a Joint Powers Agency formed in 1979 to consolidate the wastewater collection, treatment, water reclamation and disposal needs of residents in Southern Marin County. Types of materials in the collection include meeting minutes, correspondence, clippings, and referendums.